Why we don't give out dive site locations

I occasionally receive requests to divulge GPS coordinates for our dive sites.

I know how frustrated I feel when I hear of a hidden gem off Maui that I haven't found and explored yet.

In the past I have been gifted a few times with the location of dive sites. However most of the sites we offer on our charters were found through exploration or accidental discovery.

I feel my company has a custodial responsibility for the dive sites we utilize and we always take care to leave the dive sites in the same condition we find them.

Over the years I have observed the darker nature of some divers that has made me wary of what could happen if the wrong person were to find the location of our favorite dive sites. I've seen spear fishermen follow us to dive sites and then hunt while we are diving. And I've seen all of the military vehicles off South Maui dismantled and pilfered by divers.

Several specific examples are when the wing of the Hellcat was ripped apart to remove the gun, and more recently my favorite wreck, the PB4Y Navy patrol plane, was pilfered and the turret destroyed to remove one of the cannons (mouse over images.)

I also realize that most of you reading this would respect the dive site resources and would leave the area as you found it. However no one has control over the next diver that learns of a location through the sharing of what has become public information.

So I hope you will understand that I have a set policy to refrain from sharing dive site locations with anyone I am not working with. I encourage you to do your own exploration and I respect you for doing so.

Mahalo for your understanding!
Ed Robinson

-the Ocean is Alive-
Let's go Diving!

Photo-Zoom Images by Randsco